Saturday, June 17, 2006

Since I'm bored..

I'm gonna give my two cents worth on what I'd like to call 'The Ultimate Makan Club Day". We had not one, but TWO outings all within a span of 6 hours. Now if that's not a way to release all the pent up repro stress I don't know what is. Hey, I've got an idea, why not take it all the way and go on a Makan Club Weekend after Renal? You think it's a good idea too? I KNEW IT!! You can thank me later. :P

First off, I'd like to echo Evelyn's comments regarding the service at Mid Valley's Madam Kwan's - It was horrible. If the star system was applied to restaurants I'd give Madam Kwan's like, a 1/4 of a star. And the 1/4 is for at least getting our orders right. The waitress taking our orders reminded me alot of Avril Lavigne actually - angry and grumpy, with a look that says "I hate you. Go away." I almost expected her to burst into song, singing "Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?" after Steph asked if she could cancel the coke that she had ordered 3 minutes earlier. I guess she wasn't into singing in front of a crowd that evening, (again, much like Avril whose voice seems to make one question her singing abilities everytime she performs in public) as she answered with a curt "Sorry cannot change, make already."

I know you're all dying to know what Steph, LiYeen and I ordered so let me just tell you so you don't have to beg, alright - we shared a plate of fried rice and mushroom chicken noodles. The fried rice was alright, like any kind you can get off the streets, only 2.5x more expensive. The mushroom chicken noodles is not what I would recommend to people whose stomachs resemble that of a cow's (jay). The 2 big-ass mushrooms were just about the only things that were worth noting.

Moving on, Luna Bar was a blast. I didn't expect so many people to turn up! We had an awesome time playing Pak Ku Chi (since everyone's fighting over it being either Chi Ku Pak or Ku Chi Pak, let me just standardize it once and for all la ok). The game took a more interesting turn when LiYeen suggested that the punishment for whoever loses 3 times in a row would be to go up to any guy, tell him that he's cute, and then take a picture with him. Evelyn was the first loser and was all game to carry out her punishment. To cut a short story even shorter, it didn't quite work out because the waiter said something along the lines of him being married. Having said that, kudos goes to Evie for being bold enough to do it anyway. (Although I'm thinking the alco played a part in it as well :P)

I wish I could tell you that by the end of the night everyone was pissed drunk, with the exception of me because you know, someone had to take up the responsibility of carting all the drunkards back home but alas, everyone was as sober as the noonday sun (Yes, of course I made that phrase up) and we all left for home with nothing but sweet memories of a wonderful night spent.

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