Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Perfect Half-boiled Egg :)

hehe. decided to post this up as i've just had one of my most perfect (by accident) half boiled egg ever!!!!!!!!!!

replaceD :) thanks again to but this my own reproduced picture for now..

so how did i manage to make this perfect half boiled egg?? (usually mine's too runny, or too cooked :( i guess this time it's thanks to serendipity!) ok here's how.

1) place egg into a deep dish/bowl. pour boiling water until egg is completely submerged in water.
2) eat my pasta (that i've already made. but thinks that i may still be hungry after that) while browsing facebook.
3) and i was right. i was still hungry after that bowl of pasta. so voila, i crack open the egg, and it is the most beautiful looking thing i've ever seen in my entire life. ok i'm exaggerating, but it is my best attempt. eat with buttered toast, and you're in heaven. almost.

**just in case facebook surfing time, and pasta eating time varies between individuals..... i reckon i took abt 7-8 minutes. haha~!**

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a HE, lol